Energy Audits & Training

Home energy audits are like medical checkups for your house. They pinpoint exactly where there is energy loss. Home energy auditors can correct these problems to make your home more energy efficient and save you money as well. A thorough home energy audit should be carried out by a professional who is trained to check for leaks, will examine insulation, inspect the furnace and ductwork, perform a blower door test and use an infrared camera to capture exactly where energy loss is occurring.

Home energy audits, which are also called home energy assessments, let homeowners know just how much energy your home consumes and also what measures you can take to make it more energy efficient. Energy audits locate your home’s problem areas. Follow your energy auditor’s suggestions to remediate and you’ll save money year after year.

Two important indicators of a home’s airtightness are the blower door test and the infrared camera scan. The blower door test quickly removes inside air, thereby reducing air pressure in the house. When this happens, outside air rushes in through unsealed cracks and openings. Using a smoke pencil or similar tool, energy auditors detect air leaks. Another important energy audit test is thermography. This test can be performed outside by pointing the scanner at the dwelling. The scanner reads light in the heat color spectrum which ranges from white for warm, insulated areas and black for cooler, less well-insulated areas.

Home Energy Audits Are Cost Effective

To obtain a thorough home energy audit inspection coupled with the information you’ll need to fully correct energy-loss issues, call Housebusters, Inc. Only Housebusters Inc. has the services of Charles Roskovensky. A former general contractor, Charles has been a home inspector since 1990. Charles has been providing National Energy Training since 2007. He is a trainer with the BPI Building Performance Institute and the NAHB National Home Builders Association. He provides training for State of West Virginia Division of Energy and the Homebuilders Association of West Virginia as well as the West Virginia Code Officials.

He performs a thorough energy assessment of your house and will also teach you ways to help reduce your monthly energy bills. Charles goes beyond the standard home energy audit to assist homeowners to prioritize “fixes.” This way you can take immediate and affordable steps to see both the change in your home’s energy consumption and also a smaller energy bill going forward.

Contact our office directly or click on schedule an appointment to schedule your Home Energy Audit.