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Is Stucco Rotting Your Home?

If you have a stucco on your home, your home may be rotting from the inside out!

Specifically, the Exterior Insulating Finish System (EIFS) is causing significant concern in the resale housing market today.  Although newer EIFS systems have a built-in drainage system, older EIFS systems did not, which has created moisture and rotting issues in many homes.


What Is EIFS?

EIFS (pronounced “Eefs”) has many benefits. It has an acrylic coating that finishes to look just like the old-time, heavyweight stucco used on houses for 50 years or more. Just like regular stucco, it does a wonderful job of preventing water intrusion. However, the down side is that the insulating foam board used in EIFS and the coatings used in both EIFS and the newer lightweight stucco tend to keep moisture trapped inside the wall structure. Trapped moisture can quickly cause framing, joists and other hidden structural members to rot. Since this rot is taking place inside of the wall, it often goes unnoticed for months or years until it has done substantial damage. Repairs can cost $3,000 to $20,000 and even more!


How Does Water/Moisture Get Inside Your Home?

The most common reasons for water intrusion in EIFS siding include poor or missing flashing, improper caulking, poorly designed or installed window assemblies.  When not installed as per manufacturer’s installation specifications and national guidelines — or if not properly properly maintained — EIFS can and will allow water to get inside these walls!


What Are the Impacts on the Resale Market?

Because of concerns over hidden water damage and wood rot, a number of major relocation companies are refusing to purchase a house clad with EIFS without a complete invasive moisture survey. In addition, a few insurance companies are also refusing to insure an EIFS clad house without a moisture test.  An invasive moisture test and survey of EIFS is not part of a visual home inspection, and many of the problems would go undetected by a normal home inspection.  Testing for moisture inside exterior walls is a separate test that requires sophisticated meters and equipment costing several thousand dollars.


How Can Housebusters Help?

Housebusters can perform a thorough EIFS inspection/test for homeowners, potential buyers, relocation companies and even insurance companies. The cost for this inspection/test varies, depending on the square footage of the home and the amount of EIFS on the outside of the home.

Contact Housebusters at 800-847-3500 if you have any questions or need an EIFS inspection/test.   You can also  schedule online.

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